fantastical Utrecht

calm hills with fantasy wind turbines\mills

calm hills with fantasy wind turbines\mills

solar kites generating energy for these cute creatures

solar kites generating energy for these cute creatures

city at night with dreamcatcher starlight panels heavily inspired by the movie  'your name'

city at night with dreamcatcher starlight panels heavily inspired by the movie 'your name'

the young adults added the ideas of blossom girl being called by the city

the young adults added the ideas of blossom girl being called by the city

waterworks and solar lillies generating energy

waterworks and solar lillies generating energy

a series of three based on photos I did for ringparken utrecht . The series is about making a fantastical version of the city Utrecht, in which we asked some young adults to give ideas about what they would like to see in these environments. First one are my personal version inspired by Kozuo Oga (ghibli) among other things and the second ones are filled with fun creatures and devices :3

Visualisatie opdracht Ringpark Utrecht. opdrachtgever: onafhankelijk adviseur ruimtelijke kwaliteit provincie Utrecht,
Paul Roncken